Sort by first letter of last name:
Victor Acevedo
Committee Member:
Custom Committee:
- Title: The Lacemaker, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Nu Cynthesis, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Davis Acevedo, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Why Digital Prints Matter, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2003 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Ergun Akleman
- Title: Making Caricatures with Morphing, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 1997 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Memo Akten
Patxi Araujo
Rudolf Arnheim
- Title: Language and the Early Cinema, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1990 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Roy Ascott
- Title: Researching the Future: (CAiiA-STAR and the Planetary Collegium), Panel / Roundtable, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: Synaesthesia, Panel / Roundtable, SIGGRAPH 2004 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Ars Electronica: 25 Years of the Digital Avant-Garde, Panel / Roundtable, SIGGRAPH 2004 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Dan L. Baldwin
- Title: Flashimation: The Context and Culture of Web Animation, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2006 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Danny Bazo
- Title: Swarm Vision, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2013
- Title: SOMNIUM, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2018
- Title: SwarmVision: Autonomous Aesthetic Multi-Camera Interaction, Paper, SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Ben Bederson
Jon Berge
- Title: Disability in the Arts, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 1997 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Charles Berret
- Title: Knowing Together, 3D & Sculpture and 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2019, The Artworks of the 2019 Art Papers
- Title: Knowing Together, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2019
John Andrew Berton Jr.
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Trompe I'Oeil II, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Film Theory for the Digital World: Connecting the Masters to the New Digital Cinema, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1990 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Joanna Maria Berzowska
Art Papers Chair:
Art Paper Jury Member:
Art Show Reviewer:
- Title: Krakow: a woven story of memory and erasure, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Computational Expressionism, Internet Art, SIGGRAPH 1999
- Title: SKORPIONS: Kinetic Electronic Garments, 3D & Sculpture, SIGGRAPH 2008
- Title: Memory Rich Garments: Body-Based Displays, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2005 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Skorpions, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 2008
Timothy Binkley
- Title: Rest Rooms, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1994
- Title: Digital Dilemmas, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1990 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: The Wizard of Ethereal Pictures and Virtual Places, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1989 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Simon Boas
Leonardo Bonanni
- Title: The Kitchen as a Graphical User Interface, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2004 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Carlos Antônio Leite Brandão
- Title: Transdisciplinarity, Yesterday and Today, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2007 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Paul Brown
Art Papers Chair:
Committee Member:
Art Show Reviewer:
- Title: Sculpture Simulation, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986, SIGGRAPH Artworks in the Victoria & Albert Museum
- Title: 4^16, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Swimming Pool, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998, SIGGRAPH Artworks in the Victoria & Albert Museum
- Title: My Gasket, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1999
- Title: Drawing, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Reality Versus Imagination, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1992 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Art and the Information Revolution, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1989 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Recovering History: Critical and Archival Histories of the Computer-Based Arts, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2003 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Andrés Burbano
Art Papers Chair:
Art Paper Jury Member:
Art Show Reviewer:
Heitor Capuzzo
- Title: Building Possible Dreams, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2007 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Ronald Carraher
- Title: Computer Graphics as Stainless Steel Output, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 1997 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Alvaro Cassinelli
- Title: scoreLight, Sound Art, SIGGRAPH Asia 2009
- Title: Ghostly Images Appearing in Moving Human Eyes and Still Machine Eyes, Installation and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH Asia 2008
- Title: Back And Forth - Pneumatic Anadrome [Serial Painting 1], Electronic/Robotic Object and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH Asia 2020
Anna Cicognani
- Title: Design Speech Acts: "How to do things with words" in Virtual Communities, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 1997 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Janet Cohen
- Title: Agree to Disagree Online, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 1997 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Donna J. Cox
Committee Member:
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Paleolithic Postmodern Venus, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Familiar Is-ness, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Pseudo-Color Maker: Interactive Supercomputer Art|Science, Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 1988
- Title: Pscolograms, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1987
- Title: The Tao of Postmodernism: Computer Art, Scientific Visualization and Other Paradoxes, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1989 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Tobey Crockett
- Title: Fun, Love, and Happiness — or The Aesthetics of Play and Empathy in Avatar Worlds, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2002 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Charles A. Csuri
- Title: Sine Curve Man, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Leonardo Man, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Hummingbirds, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Ritual Dance, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Ritual Dance, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1996
- Title: Goldenmask, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1996
- Title: Sinescape, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: After Paul Cézanne, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: After Paul Klee, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: The Past Casts Shadows, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Hummingbird, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Grass, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Anima 2, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Real-time Art System, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Hand, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Aging Process, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Origami Swallows, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Computer Films, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: She's Watching Superman, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Contemplation, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: After Albrecht Dürer, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: After André Derain, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: After Jean-Auguste Ingres, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: After Pablo Picasso, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: After Francisco Goya, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: After Albrecht Dürer’s Study of Gentile Bellini, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: After Paul Klee, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: After Piet Mondrian, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Dignified Lady, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Five Faces, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Bearded Man in a Circle, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Leonardo da Vinci Series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: 3D Path and Transformations, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Sketch Flying Around the Drawing, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Stereo Pairs, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Man Moving Through N-Space, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Sine Waves Scramble, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Sine Curve Man, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Sine Curve Man, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Hummingbird II, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Aging Process, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Birds in a Hat, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Numeric Milling, 3D & Sculpture, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Plotter Drawing of Numeric Milling, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Random War, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006, SIGGRAPH Artworks in the Victoria & Albert Museum
- Title: Feeding Time, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Silent Statues, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: A Child's Face, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Caroline, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: The Hungarians, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Death of My Father, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Faces, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Mask of Fear, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Brick Landscape, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Cosmic Matter, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Gossip, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Wondrous Spring, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Dance of the Sorcerers, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Surrealist Dream, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Golden Mask, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: A Happy Time, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Garden Lovers, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Horse Play, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Political Agenda, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: ribbonVASES, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Horse and Rider, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: A Frozen Moment, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Balancing Act, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Clearly Impressive, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Aurora, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Dream Gazing, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Raphael Voglass, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: doodleFourteen, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: 19th Century Space Station Frame 0321, stillASTO series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Coral Frames 0001–0050, afish series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: texturePERHAPS, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Strawscape, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Entanglement, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Brick Figures, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Coral Frames 0501, 1050, 1401, 1601, afish series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Venus in the Garden Frame 73, venus series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Venus in the Garden Frame 127, venus series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Venus in the Garden Frame 64, venus series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Origami Flowers Frame 89, simpleFLRS series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Emily’s Scribbles Frame 300, fishscrib series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Festive Frame 47, leo series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Glorious Grass Frame 28, bush series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
Michael S. Daubs
- Title: Flashimation: The Context and Culture of Web Animation, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2006 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Thomas A. Defanti
- Title: Spiral PTL, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1982
- Title: The Interactive Image, Installation and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 1988
- Title: Grass, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Spiral 5, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Using Video to Create Avatars in Virtual Reality, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 1997 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Anner Dekker
- Title: Sensational Technologies, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2004 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Tom DeWitt
- Title: Voyage, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1982
- Title: Calypso Cameo, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1983
- Title: Finger Space, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1987
- Title: Quake, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Pantomation, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Vassar, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Dataism, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1989 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Rachel Dickey
Art Paper Jury Member:
Frank Dietrich
Committee Member:
- Title: Snake, Rattle, Roll, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1982
- Title: Circle Twist, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1982
- Title: Softy3, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1983
- Title: Digital Reflections (1-11), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1981
- Title: C-Mix (a), Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: C-Mix (b), Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Antarctica, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Softy, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Untitled (Blobby), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Visions of Mind, Essay, SIGGRAPH 1986 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Margaret Dolinsky
Custom Committee:
- Title: Dream Grrrls: Metaphors, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 1997 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Diana Domingues
- Title: INTERACTIVITY AND RITUAL: Body Dialogues with Artificial Systems, Essay, SIGGRAPH 1999 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
J. Yellowlees Douglas
- Title: The Pleasures of Immersion and Engagement: Schemas, Scripts, and the Fifth Business, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2001 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Alex Dragulescu
- Title: Data Portraits, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2010
- Title: Local Concerns – Global Art
Timothy Druckrey
- Title: Feedback to Immersion, Essay, SIGGRAPH 1993 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Elliott Peter Earls
- Title: EYE SLING SHOT LIONS, Performance, SIGGRAPH 2000
- Title: An American Gothic... or a Pound of Prevention, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 1997 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Dena Elisabeth Eber
- DAC Online Exhibition 2018: The Urgency of Reality in a Hyper-Connected World
- SIGGRAPH 2001: n-space
- Title: These are Some Jews that Hitler Did Not Get: American Jews and the Survival of a People, Artist Book, SIGGRAPH 2007
- Title: Virtual Imaginations Require Real Bodies, Essay, SIGGRAPH 1999 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Ernest Edmonds
- Title: Broadway One, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: Art Systems: 1968 to 2018, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2018, SIGGRAPH Artworks in the Victoria & Albert Museum
- Title: Living Laboratories: Making and Curating Interactive Art, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2006 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: New Interactions: Communities and Information, Panel / Roundtable, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Audiovisual Discourse in Digital Art, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2004 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
James Elkins
- Title: There are No Philosophic Problems Raised by Virtual Reality, Essay, SIGGRAPH 1994 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Markku Eskelinen
- Title: Towards Computer Game Studies, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2001 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Michael Ester
Committee Member:
- Title: Image Quality and Viewer Perception, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1990 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Brian Evans
- Title: sonata (pipilo), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2007
- Title: ime slice (meliá), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2007
- Title: limosa, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 2005
- Title: Amazilia, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: Acacia Mosaics, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1992
- Title: Temporal Coherence with Digital Color, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1990 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
James Faure Walker
- Title: A Pony in Clerkenwell, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1995
- Title: Die Formes: Flight, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1995
- Title: Undecided 2: Market Research in the Narrow Way, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Dark Filament, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2007, SIGGRAPH Artworks in the Victoria & Albert Museum
- Title: The Song of the Revolving Drawing, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: Frog, Greenwood Road, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: Studio Chairs, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Drawn Trees, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Pigeons, Kyoto, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Figures in a Landscape, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: F-G and the Iron Clocks of Film, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2001
- Title: Global Coffee, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2001
- Title: Colour and Drawing: From a Garden Table, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1999
- Title: Blue Bowls, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2002, SIGGRAPH Artworks in the Victoria & Albert Museum
- Title: From a Log Cabin, 2D & Wall-Hung, DAC Online Exhibition 2011
- Title: Villa Dora, 2D & Wall-Hung, DAC Online Exhibition 2011
- Title: Untitled, 2D & Wall-Hung, DAC Online Exhibition 2011
- Title: Teaching Cyber Art, Or How A Painter Copes With Computers In London, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1995 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Painting in a Digital World: I Told You So, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2006 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Rebecca Fiebrink
Mary Flanagan
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: [ineffable], 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: [Unnatural Elements : Avatar Portraits], 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Feminist Transgressions? Object and Process in Transgenic/Genetic Works by Women, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2002 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Angus Graeme Forbes
Art Papers Chair:
Art Paper Jury Member:
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Articulating Media Arts Activities in Art-Science Contexts, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2015
- Title: The Interactive Image: A Media Archaeology Approach, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2017
- Title: Stepping Inside the Classification Cube: An Intimate Interaction With an AI System, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2020
- Title: Resonant Waves: Immersed in Geometry, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2020
Keith Frank
- Title: Agree to Disagree Online, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 1997 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Herbert W. Franke
- Title: Serie 1961/62 e'd'a, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986, SIGGRAPH Artworks in the Victoria & Albert Museum
- Title: Farbraster 42, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Mathematische Landschaft, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Serie Algebraische Kurven (Algebraic Curves), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Grafik I, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Desert, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Oszillogramm, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: untitled #1, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1981
- Title: untitled #2, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1981
- Title: C11d Buehnenhild, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Grafik 6, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Serie 1956: Oszillogramme, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986, SIGGRAPH Artworks in the Victoria & Albert Museum
- Title: Serie 1956 ed 'a, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Drakula, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Farbraster 75, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Computer Graphics as Artistic Expression, Essay, SIGGRAPH 1986 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Mathematics As an Artistic-Generative Principle, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1989 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Gonzalo Frasca
- Title: Rethinking Agency and Immersion: Videogames as a Means of Consciousness-Raising, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2001 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Ludology: From Representation to Simulation, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2002 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Lucinda Furlong
- Title: Artists/Technologists: The Computer As An Imaging Tool, Essay, SIGGRAPH 1983 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Colette Gaiter
- Title: Monkey Girl Meets Alligator Boy, Artist Book, DAC Online Exhibition 2015
- Title: Showers, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1983
- Title: SPACE|R A C E, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 1996 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Esteban Garcia Bravo
Art Paper Jury Member:
Art Paper Reviewer:
- SIGGRAPH 2017: Unsettled Artifacts: Technological Speculations from Latin America
- SIGGRAPH 2016: Data Materialities
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