Thomas Suter: Imaginary Flight over Okinawa

  • ©,



    Imaginary Flight over Okinawa



    2D imaging


    24" x 20"


Artist Statement:

    Imaginary Flight over Okinawa represents an aerial and topographi­cal perspective about a visited space. The ability to view one’s space and physical movement from a global perspective provides a unique experience unlike typical on-ground views commonly found in traditional art making. The perspective is intended to engage the observer in thought concepts and evoke spiritual energy that will eventually become a memory. These memories are intended to invite and encourage people to think about life situations, events, visited spaces, and experiences.

    Imaginary Flight over Okinawa is part of a long series of works that relate to actual maps and imaginary environmental landscapes that represent various metaphors including: light, time, weathering, aging, self-reflection, and ethereal spirits.

    My hope is that viewers walk away from the work thinking about themselves, how and where they are living their lives. Most importantly, I want the work to spark their curiosity, imagination, and human spirit.

Technical Information:

    This work involves aerial topographical maps and global photos of the earth surfaces – often places that I have visited or imagined. I manipulate these images in Photoshop and apply various color schemes, lighting effects, and multi-layering on their surfaces. I also look for natural markings and placement that resemble landforms and geographical markings. I then accentuate and emphasize these areas to represent imaginary landforms, air, and water. These elements are transformed and merged into textural and figurative landscapes on a G5 workstation with a Wacom Tablet.
