SIGGRAPH 1981: Frame Buffer Show



Art Show Administrator(s):


Dallas, Texas, United States of America


August 4-7th, 1981

Art Show Overview:

The first state-of-the-art computer art show of its kind took place in Room N 206 of the Dallas Convention Center on Tuesday, Aug. 4 through Friday, Aug. 7, 1981. David Em came up with the idea for a frame buffer show, and Bob Holzman came up with funding.

The show featured art works by independant artist David Em, Dr. James F. Blinn of Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and a selection of works from the New York Institute of Technology by artists Becky Allen, Michael Assante, David Geshwind, Paul Heckbert, Dick Lundin, Robin McDermott, Fred Parke, Lance William, Paul Xander, and Paul Xander, Jr.

The works were shown on high resolution video displays receiving direct signals from computer memory.

The show was sponsored in part by Advanced Electronics Design, Inc. (AED), Elector – the U.S. distributors of Barco Data Displays, and SIGGRAPH ’81. AED loaned frame buffers and monitors for the displays.

Technical support was provided by Robin Radaczek of AED and JPL staff members Julian Gomez with the assistance of Eric Levy.

The show’s co-ordinator James Seligman notes that this very special event was made possible through an unprecedented cooperation of artists and corporations.


Additional Images:

  • 1981 SIGGRAPH frame buffer show   

Additional Documents:


