Autoencoding Blade Runner: Reconstructing Films with Artificial Neural Networks






  • In this paper, the authors explain how they created Blade Runner—Autoencoded, a film made by training an autoencoder—a type of generative neural network—to recreate frames from the film Blade Runner. The autoencoder is made to reinterpret every individual frame, reconstructing it based on its memory of the film. The result is a hazy, dreamlike version of the original film. The authors discuss how the project explores the aesthetic qualities of the disembodied gaze of the neural network and describe how the autoencoder is also capable of reinterpreting films it has not been trained on, transferring the visual style it has learned from watching Blade Runner (1982).

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    13. The original source code for this project is available at < Learned-Sim-Autoencoder-For-Video-Frames>.

    14. Wikipedia article for the MNIST handwritten digits dataset is available at < wiki/ MNIST_database>.

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    17. A side-by-side comparison of Man with a Movie Camera and its reconstruction using the Blade Runner model, as well as other films such as A Scanner Darkly and Koyaanisqatsi are available to watch online at the following YouTube playlist: < playlist?list=PLJME4hivCPY_B_ MqOyQQGC_kuYUz518-C>.

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