Andrea Polli: Queensbridge Wind Power

  • ©,




    Queensbridge Wind Power





Artist Statement:

    The Queensbridge Wind Power project presents a vision of a future when meeting energy production needs can actually enhance the beauty of a city. It investigates how clean, renewable wind power might be integrated into the landmark architecture of the Queensboro Bridge, New York City. The project is designed to engage the community in a dialogue about the potential of wind and other alternative energies in an urban setting.

Technical Information:

    Andrea Polli conceived of this piece as part of New York 2050, a project to actively involve the people of metropolitan New York in a dialogue about the future and to develop the resulting visions into programs for action to guide short-term decision-making (see During that large-scale project, she worked closely with climate scientist Cynthia Rosenzweig and a team of scientists at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Columbia University’s Climate Impacts Group and learned of the wide-ranging effects climate change will have on the New York region. The Queensbridge Wind Power project is her response.
