Chris S. Johnson: eyesore

  • ©,





Creation Year:



    Iris print


    12 x 16 inches


Artist Statement:

    Art is only a representation of an original that we will never see or understand. Viewers perceive minute details of the processes and the influences on the artist and their work. As with Duchamp’s work we get a glimpse of another dimension. A person in today’s Technological / Information society counts on the computer, e-mail, telephone, the cash machine and many other things to be there. How many though, understand the complex processes that go on behind these machines. The computer has become my sketch book, drawing board and gives me the finished product. The computer a creative environment with a flexibility unavailable image processor. All my creative energies are expended and preserved as an electronic file (mathematical formulation) only to be viewed when called upon.

    The original will never be touched by human hands it exits without space or time.

    A painter asked me the other day, “Couldn’t you paint this?” I said, “No!” Then I offend him when in return I asked, “Why do you use canvas and oil paint?”