Guan Hong Yeoh: Stone-Topology

  • ©,





Creation Year:



    42 cm x 42 cm each



Artist Statement:

    If we say stones are the pages of Earth’s diary, then it is not surprising to find our human art on these pages. These pages recount the details of the whole story of our human art evolution.

    In 1879, Señor Marcelino de Sautuolo found the first art painting on the rocks in Spain. This cave-art painting not only acts as evidence of our art foundation, it is also a representation of human imagination and creativity. Such human imagination and creativity enable us to communicate our understanding in ways that cannot be verbally expressed, if we truly believe “a picture is worth a thousand words,” not only in its descriptive value but also in its symbolic significance.

    Stone can be seen as a marker of the boundaries between art and life. It is also the embodiment of culture and nature (Harper, Glenn, 1997). Because it is a primal element of nature’s identity and container of a history, stone is the key element of bringing art and aesthetic experiences into life today. Stone as art, art as stone, there are no differences between the two. “Stone” can be seen as a representation of natural material that can be used to express an abstract intellectual form and the contemporary ideas in art development.

    In fact, stone is the oldest material used by humans.

    This artwork emphasises the relationship between humans, nature, and art, and how this relationship re-examines and is applied to artistic creation and the thinking process. All the images have their own interpretations. “Thought” expresses emotion, while images promote the aesthetic principles of art and nature.

Affiliation Where Artwork Was Created:

    Hyperthesis Visual Lab