Joe Reinsel: Collapse:Focus

  • ©,






    Live mediated video and sound performance


Artist Statement:

    In Collapse:Focus, Reinsel uses accessible tools to translate ideas to the audience. Using a video phone and self-made software, he gathers samples from his immediate surroundings as source material for the creation of the work. Combining original media, including video and sound, he gives form and substance to his vision. Transcending emotion and reality, his work questions the linkages of interpersonal relationships through allegory and real-time samplings of the environment. He sees this material as “raw bits” and uses them to form new systems and patterns from things that may be recognizable to the audience but in no way represent the item that they remember.

Technical Information:

    Technology in this piece consists of a laptop computer that Reinsel uses as an instrument to manipulate and perform the video and sound during the presentation. Source material is gathered with a video phone, which captures video and still images that are used in the piece. Also, during the performance, Reinsel uses a small web camera connected to the laptop. This live video source is combined with the previously captured video and images during the performance.
