Judith Mayer: Rosetta Stone

  • ©,



    Rosetta Stone


Creation Year:



Artist Statement:

    Artists in Chicago and at remote sites interact through ISDN technology in a number of cooperative experiments in real time, in the interactive telecommunicational space represented on a video wall at the conference site.

    The Rosetta Stone is an interactive telecommunications “white board” which enables artists from different locations to draw and create together as if they were in the same room working on the same canvas. Artists can send and receive text, graphics, drawings, video, and voice. This interactive space/image is alive, a medium of constantly evolving communication and collaboration. By breaking through the usual boundaries of language and geography, artists can share their histories, their art, and their personalities.

    Artists and programs from San Jose State University CADRE Institute (Computers in Art, Design, Research, and Education): Dr. Kathleen Cohen, Pat Coleman, Brian A. Kromrey, Hassan Ebrohimi Nuyken, Joel Slayton.

    Technical assistance, software, and hardware from Adobe Systems, Compression Labs Incorporated, fractal Design, 115 Technologies (a division of Bell Canada), Macromedia, Network Express Incorporated, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Pacific Bell Market Application Development Group, Pioneer, RosterOps, RGB Spectrum, Anthony Templer, Wacom Technology Corporation, Leonardo, the Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology.
