Leanne Allison, Jeremy Mendes: Bear 71 VR

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Artist Statement:

    Originally launched in 2012, Bear 71 is an interactive multi-user online experience told from the point of view of an omniscient female grizzly bear―dubbed “Bear 71” by the park rangers who track her. Created by Jeremy Mendes, Leanne Allison and the NFB, Bear 71 explores how we coexist with wildlife in the age of networks, surveillance, and digital information en mass. Developed using open platform WebVR technology for greater accessibility, Bear 71 VR is available in VR using a compatible headset, and can also be viewed as a 2D interactive experience on a traditional monitor. Created in collaboration with Google’s Chrome and VR teams, IDFA DocLab and Sound and Vision, Bear 71 VR has been showcased as a VR installation by the NFB at IDFA Doclab and by Google at the New Frontiers VR Bar at this year’s Sundance Film Festival.

Affiliation Where Artwork Was Created:

    The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) and Jam3



