Phillip George: Moving Towards the Event Horizon

  • ©,



    Moving Towards the Event Horizon


Creation Year:



    Electrostatic print on canvas


    50" x 142"



Artist Statement:

    Moving Towards the Event Horizon is a continuum. This work, like its ancestors, has evolved in an organic manner. The work has moved, mutated, cloned, and condensed the works that have come before.

    Issues referenced within the work highlight several concepts: the universe containing reversible and irreversible processes, biological/geological structure, the corporeal, diverse belief systems, and self-generating matter that is inherently dynamic, active, and relational. Together, these concepts can be viewed as manifestations of potential environmental scenarios in relation to theoretical new physics.

    The work plays with multiple views of the subject. The mutated fish have slightly different perspectives and lighting conditions – Cubism meets quantum mechanics. Each fish is seen as a gateway into another dimension/space. It should be noted that this image and its subjects also exist as a nonlinear interactive CD-ROM.

    Doubling or cloning is seen as the final stage in the history of the modeling of the body – the body destined to serial propagation, a cybernetic prosthesis altering the whole and eventually replacing it What was, what is the original has transformed, and the image is seen as just another point in time.
