Refik Anadol: Machine Hallucinations – Latent Study II

  • ©,



    Machine Hallucinations - Latent Study II


Artist Statement:

    My body of work addresses the challenges, and the possibilities, that ubiquitous computing has imposed on human kind, and what it means to be a human in the age of machine intelligence. My aim is to explore how the perception and experience of time and space are radically changing now that machines dominate our everyday lives. As a spatial thinker, I am intrigued by the ways in which the digital age and machine intelligence allow for a new aesthetic technique to create enriched immersive environments that offer a dynamic perception of space. I view machine intelligence not only as a new medium, but as a partner, allowing us to re-examine not merely our external realities, but rather an alternative process to which we attribute artistic consciousness. These ideas are especially interesting in relation to this year’s Siggraph theme. Both in relationship to deep dreaming (histories) as well as deep dreaming (futures), Machine Hallucinations – LatentStudy II aims to explore the past as well as potential ways of perceiving architecture and photographic memory through machine learning. By applying machine intelligence to photographic datasets I am able to explore common themes, a new cinematic medium, collective histories, and posit possible future trends.

Affiliation Where Artwork Was Created:

    Refik Anadol Studio
