Xenophon Sachinis: Deflection 1

  • ©,



    Deflection 1


Creation Year:





    70 centimeters x 100 centimeters


Artist Statement:

    This work is based on artistic interpretation of sunlight deflection in shallow waters. For this purpose, I used transparent boxes with engraved and inked top covers. Inside the boxes, I put a small toy ship. I put the box in the water and took slides. Through that process, I witnessed a miracle. Effects that the naked eye could not see were captured by the camera. Through the water movement and the light deflection, the engraved and inked strict lines were transformed into colored surfaces, and the small objects’ volume was also dissolved into fragments. Almost 300 slides were taken in order to capture the different optical results that correspond to each and every moment in time. Using the slides, 1 plotted the moments that gave me the most interesting plastic results. This combination of the natural phenomenon {the light deflection} with an artistic process that produced the engraved and inked transparent boxes created a totally new artistic phenomenon, recorded by the slides and printed digitally by plotter. This is how I respond to the challenge of renewing the thought and action involved in printing, staying close to the notion of the plate and the printed surface but at the same time enlarging the boundaries of the printing culture using the digital process of printing.

Technical Information:

    Staying close to the notion of the plate and the printed surface, but at the same time enlarging the boundaries of the printing culture, using the digital process of printing.
