Yoichiro Kawaguchi: CORE-CELL Tower

  • ©,



    CORE-CELL Tower


Creation Year:



    Renticular image with light box


    60 centimeters x 80 centimeters x 60 centimeters


Artist Statement:

    Three-dimensional images are more sensually appealing than two-dimensional ones. In 1979, we presented a Japanese traditional mask called Hannya as an optical three-dimensional artwork. After that, we sought new ways of presenting artistic impressions in three-dimensional photography. In CORE-CELL Tower, we introduce a
    mixture of spatial effect and false illusion. The resulting dizziness, a consequence of abstract patterns generated by algorithms, is found to be luscious. An abstract pattern amplifies the effect of spatial awareness in three-dimensional photography.

Technical Information:

    The renticular image used in this work contains 15 to 20 images. Each image represents an image viewed from slightly different viewpoints. The images are placed on each face of a tower. Viewers can walk around the work and enjoy different views and the effects of false illusion.