Gilberto Esparza

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  • Gilberto Esparza’s work uses electronic and robotic means to investigate the impact of technology on everyday life, social relationships, the environment, and urban structures. His current projects explore alternative energies, consumer technology recycling, and biotechnology. Esparza graduated from the School of Fine Arts at the University of Guanajuato in Mexico and
    also studied at the School of Fine Arts of San Carlos in Valencia, Spain. His work has appeared in solo and group exhibitions around the world. He received the award for Latin American Production at VIDA 9.0, and second prize at VIDA 13.0 by the Fundación Telefónica of Spain. He was also given Honorary Mention at the Prix Ars Electronica, and the 2015 Ars Electronica’s Golden Nica in Hybrid Art. He is currently a member of the National System of Art Creators in Mexico.

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