Marcia Tanner

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  • Marcia Tanner is a San Francisco Bay Area independent curator and writer with a special interest in artists working with science and technology. She is the former director of the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art. In 2008, she organized We Interrupt Your Program at Mills College Art Museum (Oakland, California). Her previous exhibitions include Brides of Frankenstein at the San Jose Museum of Art (2005), Bad Girls West at the UCLA Wight Art Gallery (1994), Shadow Play and Location Location at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, and many others. Author of numerous reviews, articles, and catalog essays, her writings on art have appeared in Art+Text, ArtNews, Art Ltd.,, Artweek, Cabinet, Flash Art, Leonardo, Rhizome News, and other publications. She currently chairs the Collections Committee of the Judah Magnes Museum, Berkeley, and co-chairs the Advocacy Committee for the Northern California chapter of ArtTable.

