Philip Beesley

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Most Recent Affiliation:

  • University of Waterloo


  • Philip Beesley is an artist, architect, stage designer, and a professor of architecture at the University of Waterloo and co-director of the University’s Integrated Centre for Visualization, Design and Manufacturing (ICVDM). He works across digital media art and experimental architecture. His recent projects have been immersive digitally fabricated lightweight “textile” structures that often feature interactive kinetic systems that use dense arrays of micro-processors, sensors, and actuator systems. Distinctions for his work include the Prix de Rome in Archi-tecture (Canada), the Governor-General’s Award, and the international FEIDAD 2008 Design Merit Award for Digital Media Art. He was recently awarded first-prize honors at VIDA 11.0 for Hylozoic Soil. He has degrees in visual art at Queen’s University and in architecture at the University of Toronto, both summa cum laude, and received a diploma in technology at Humber College. Hylozoic Soil was created by Philip Beesley (artist) and Rob Gorbet (engineering director). The core design team for Hylozoic Soil includes: Hayley Isaacs, Christian Joakim, Jonah Humphrey, Kirsten Robinson, and Jon Cummings. Addi-tional support includes: Yoshi Wachi, Manuel Kretzer, William Elsworthy, Jonathan Tyrrell, Eric Bury, Lawrence Chan, David Blackmore, Jane Wong, Elie Nehme, and Matt Schmid.

Art Works:

