Roy Ascott

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Most Recent Affiliation:

  • University of Plymouth


  • Britain, United Kingdom

Writings and Presentations:

  • Title: Researching the Future: (CAiiA-STAR and the Planetary Collegium)
    Writing Type: Panel / Roundtable
    Exhibition: SIGGRAPH 2004: Synaesthesia
    Abstract Summary:

    Taking the Planetary Collegium as their starting point, members of the round table address research issues as they relate to the development of practice and theory in the context of collaborative criticism and inquiry across a wide field of knowledge and experience. The Collegium network is worldwide, in terms of its meeting and conference locations. the cultural identity of its members, and its ambition to develop nodes based on and complementary to its unique procedures and methodologies.
    The Collegium emerges from 10 years of experience with CAiiA-STAR in gathering doctoral and post-doctoral researches of high calibre whose work transcends orthodox subject boundaries, and whose practices are at the leading edge of their fields. We are living in a time in which old cultural and academic structures need to be replaced by research organisms fitted to our telematic, post biological society. The Collegium combines the physical, face-to-face transdisciplinary association of individuals with the nomadic, trans-cultural requirements of a networking community. The panelists, all members of the Collegium at various stages in its development, present their personal visions of the direction future research might take and the structures needed to support it.

    Title: Synaesthesia
    Writing Type: Panel / Roundtable
    Exhibition: SIGGRAPH 2004: Synaesthesia
    Abstract Summary:

    This Panel discusses synesthesia, which typically involves sensory crossover among the basic senses (vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch) within the normal range of sensation.

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    Title: Ars Electronica: 25 Years of the Digital Avant-Garde
    Writing Type: Panel / Roundtable
    Exhibition: SIGGRAPH 2004: Synaesthesia
    Abstract Summary:

    Celebrating 25 years of Arg Electronica, the panel provides not just interesting historical information, but also comprehensive insight into new directions of digital art.

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