Tatjana Kudinova

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  • Tatjana Kudinova is an artist and designer based in Hong Kong. Her work focuses on creating engaging experiences and on exploring artistic tools through art and design, taking the form of interactive installations, interfaces, prints, and videos. Tatjana’s work has been presented at festivals and galleries in cities like Vilnius, Valencia, San Francisco, New York, Sydney, Montevideo, and Hong Kong. Born in Lithuanian SSR, she has lived in Spain, USA, Uruguay and Hong Kong. She holds an MA in Fine Arts, earned by studying at the Art Academy of Vilnius, Polytechnic University of Valencia and California College of the Arts.

Writings and Presentations:

  • Title: Extraordinary Accident: an immersive metaphor of Hong Kong
    Writing Type: Paper
    Exhibition: SIGGRAPH Asia 2019: Deep Dreaming
    Abstract Summary:

    This paper presents Extraordinary Accident, an immersive experience exploring how different levels of abstraction can coexist and collaborate in a representation and recreation of urban space. Using Hong Kong as both inspiration and data source, the work attempts to liberate virtual reality compositions from their metaphorical ballast –that is, their recreational onus– and instead, with a temporal amalgamation of poetic representation at different scales, contribute to an alternative, potentially more intimate, understanding of the urban experience.
