SIGGRAPH 1983: Art Show





Detroit, Michigan, United States of America


July 25th-29th, 1983

Art Show Overview:

These selections represent a concern that an artist’s work should transcend technique, realize the full potential of the chosen medium, and reflect a consistency in their overall body of work.


Visual Proceedings:

View PDF: [SIGGRAPH 1983: Art Show]

Additional Images:

  • SIGGRAPH 1983 1   
  • SIGGRAPH 1983 3   
  • SIGGRAPH 1983 2   

Additional Documents:

Additional Information:

Catalog Design: David Wise

Exhibition Artworks:

Exhibition Writings and Presentations:

    Title: A Medium Matures: The Myth of Computer Art
    Category: Essay
    Abstract Summary:

    We embark upon SIGGRAPH’s second decade with a growing conviction that the leading edge of culture us no longer defined by the fine arts community — by what’s being shown in galleries, purchased by museums, published in art magazines or talked about in SoHo lofts. The excitement and power and significance today seems to lie in electronic technology, especially the computer, which we are convinced will reveal the way to unlimited new aesthetic horizons and produce wholly new art forms. And yet the idea of computer art — of an art unique to the computer — remains after twenty years an unrealized myth, its horizons barely in view, its forms still to be manifest. For, ironically, most of what is understood as computer art today represents the computer in the service of  those very same visual art traditions which the rhetoric of new technology holds to be obsolete.

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    Title: Artists/Technologists: The Computer As An Imaging Tool
    Category: Essay
    Abstract Summary:

    Despite the fact that the computer is a relatively recent invention, the debate over whether or not computer-generated art works can truly be called “art” has roots in a much older argument about technology. The usual objection to “computer art” is based on the fear that somehow the com­puter  — like Hal in the film 2001 — will take control, eliminating the role of the ar­tist. A less paranoid but equally misplaced response construes the absence of hand­work to represent easy art, requiring less skill than more traditional forms. Similar ob­jections were raised when photography was discovered. In 1859, Charles Baudelaire considered photography as nothing less than a major threat to the entire fine art tradition.

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    Title: Mapping A Sensibility: Computer lmaging
    Category: Essay
    Abstract Summary:

    “The work of art,” as the surrealist André Breton said, “is valuable only so far as it is vibrated by the reflexes of the future.” These “reflexes of the future” have introduced, since the early 1900s, increasingly powerful visual technologies. To rephrase André Breton — in certain critical epochs, art anticipates effects that are only fully realized by newly emerging technology and new art forms.

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Traveling Art Show Information:

Traveling Show Info:

July 8-31, 1983 France Villeneuve-les-Avignon La Chartreuse, Computer Culture
July 26-30, 1983 USA Detroit, MI SIGGRAPH ’83 Conference
August 4-16, 1983 Japan Tokyo Isetan Museum
August 18-23, 1983 Japan Shizukoa Isetan Museum
September 15, 1983 France Paris Ministry of Culture
September 15-27, 1983 Japan Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture Marui Imai Museum
September 28, 1983 USA Ohio Morse Graphics Show Video Only
September 1983 USA Los Angeles, California American Film Institute Video Only
October 1, 1983 France Chalon-sur-Saône Maison Culture
October 5, 1983 USA Costa Mesa, California Orange Coast College Video Only
October 22, 1983 France Grenoble Maison Cinema
November 1, 1983 Canada Toronto Video Culture Festival Video Only
November 15, 1983 Italy Florence City Council
January 1-30, 1984 USA Los Alamos, New Mexico Los Alamos Laboratory
January 1, 1984 USA Santa Clara, California Mission College Video Only
January 2-10, 1984 Japan Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Meitetsu Hiyakkaten Museum
January 13-24, 1984 Japan Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture Fujisaki Museum
February 24 – March 24, 1984 USA Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Lehigh University
March 15-20, 1984 Japan Kagoshima Yamagataya Museum
March 29 – April 3, 1984 Japan Osaka Hankyu Hiyakatten Museum
April 15 – July 7, 1984 USA Tampa, Florida Tampa Museum
April 26 – May 8, 1984 Japan Kyoto Daimaru Museum
May 16-21, 1984 Japan Fukuoka Iwataya Museum
July 1 – October 15, 1984 Canada Don Mills, Toronto Ontario Science Center
October 1-30, 1984 USA Raleigh, North Carolina North Carolina University