SIGGRAPH 1985: Art Show



Art Show Administrator(s):


San Francisco, California, United States of America


July 22nd-26th, 1985

Art Show Overview:

Historically, artists, designers and scientists in a society have combined their talents to produce the visual tools and language for their time, using all resources available to them. Computer graphics’ meteoric rate of growth is testimony to our continuing need for visual communication and to the inadequacy of mere words to satisfy that need. This exhibition dramatically demonstrates how today ‘s artists, in concert with designers and scientists, are redefining technology and art for all of us.


Additional Information:


  1. Moscone Convention Center Art Show (July 22-26)

This juried exhibition highlights the recent achievements of artists and designers around the world utilizing computer graphics technology in their work. The images, videotapes, prints, sculptures and interactive installations presented have been chosen from over 3000 entries. Visual documentation of the creative process and artists’ statements add a new dimension to this year’s artshow.

  1. Student Poster Competition and Exhibition (July 18-26)

Academy of Art College Gallery, 688 Sutter Street, San Francisco
This premiere exhibition provides an excellent opportunity for exposure of student work. This collection is of interest to art educators wishing to broaden their understanding of computer graphics programs in schools nationwide.

  1. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art-North Gallery (July 19-22)

“Input/Output: Computer Graphics Festival”
This event, held in conjunction with the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, provides an opportunity to explore computer graphics processes in a hands-on environment. You will be able to participate in the creation of images at many levels of expertise.

  1. Exploratorium Installations

Two installations are mounted at the Exploratorium in conjunction with the SIGGRAPH ’85 Art Show and are featured at the Monday night course reception. “Frontiers of Chaos” features the work of mathematician Heinz-Otto Peitgen and physicist Peter Richter in experimental dynamic systems. This exhibit is made possible by the Goethe Institute and will be on display July 17-September 12. “Invisible Cities,” an interactive computer graphics environment based on the ltalo Calvino novel of the same name, will have its American premiere. This exhibit was conceived and created by Jeffrey Shaw and will be on display July 20-28.

  1. Palace of Fine Arts -Adjacent to the Exploratorium (July 22)

During the Monday night course reception, the Rush Dance Troupe is presenting “RAB,” a performance with choreography by Patrice Regnier and original score by Carter Burwell. This piece features computer modeling and animation by Rebecca Allen of the New York Institute of Technology.


To the memory of Stan Van Der Beek

Light FX
Richard W. Taylor II
Lorraine Schweizer

Special Thanks:
Academy of Art College
Apple Computer, Inc.
Apollo Computer, Inc.
California College of Arts and Crafts
Chroma Copy, San Francisco
Conrac Division, Conrac Corp.
Corvus Systems
Hayden Software
Island Graphics
Lucasfilm Ltd.
MacroMind, Inc.
Ramtek Corp.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Franciso State University
School of Visual Arts
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Sony Corp. of America
Summagraphics Corp.
VCA Teletronics
West Coast University

Exhibition Artworks:
