Taezoo Park

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Most Recent Affiliation:

  • Young Shin E&C Co., Ltd.


  • Korea



  • SIGGRAPH 2018

    Taezoo Park has been making artwork out of abandoned technology combined with digital code to bring to life an imagined unknown creature from inside machines. He calls this new life “Digital Being”. He has been working on finding and depicting these creature as a digitalogist, new media artist, and maker in New York City for the past 10 years. His work has been featured at ABC news, BBC news, ACM Interactions, Open Journal System: Continent, Gizmodo, SciArt, World Maker Faire, CHI(Computer-Human Interaction), SPRING/BREAK Art Show, BRIC Arts Media, Moniker Art Fair, Contemporary Art Fair NYC, New Museum Ideas City, Governors Island Art Fair, Portal Art Fair at Federal Hall National Memorial, Harvestworks, Ca’ d’Oro Gallery, Clemente Center, ACE Hotel, Cornell University, Pratt DDA Gallery, Pratt Manhattan Gallery, Lower East Side Ecology Center, World Trade Gallery, NY Media Center by IFP, Barnes & Noble, AFA Gallery and World Trade Center.

Video of Artist's Work:


