Victoria Vesna

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Most Recent Affiliation:

  • University of California, Los Angeles


  • Laguna Beach, California, United States of America

Committee Member:

Writings and Presentations:

  • Title: Notime: Identity and Collaboration
    Writing Type: Paper
    Exhibition: SIGGRAPH 2001: n-space
    Abstract Summary:

    Although communication networks offer the possibility of a distributed community that can collaborate and exchange vital information, there is little time for these collaborations and exchanges to occur. Ironically, the same technology that makes distributed community a possibility and promises to save us time prevents us from actually having time to build community. Distributed presence inevitably moves us towards group consciousness, which shifts our perception of time and even productivity. This essay uses a large collaborative networked art piece, “notime,” as an example of how the creative process shifts when working on the networks. The project attempts to rethink the idea of the avatar as a physical representation and compares it to that of energetic bodies carrying information and evolving with the time people devote to participating, onsite and online. “notime” is conceived to raise questions about our perception of time and identity as we extend our personal networks through technology.

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    Title: Curated Panel Discussion: The State of Aesthetic Computing or Info-Aesthetics
    Writing Type: Panel / Roundtable
    Exhibition: SIGGRAPH 2009: Information Aesthetics Showcase
    Abstract Summary:

    Aesthetic computing is one of several related new fields: info-aesthetics, database aesthetics, network aesthetics, and software aesthetics. What are their similarities and differences? What are the aesthetic issues driving them, and how are they linked to technological developments? And what exactly is the role of aesthetics is this context?

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