SIGGRAPH 1987: Art Show




Anaheim, California, United States of America


July 27th - 31st, 1987

Art Show Overview:

What’s the point? What is the art in a computer art exhibit? Why have this exhibit at SIGGRAPH at all? Why is it that computer art is still being “discovered”? It seems to go without saying that all these and other questions are asked each year. Nevertheless, as the SIGGRAPH ’86 Art Show so graphically illustrated in its retrospective, this “new art” has been around for at least the last twenty years. Yet, for each new Columbus, working with the computer seems to present a challenge in and of itself. A challenge independent of the product that is produced. Approaching the “medium” from every conceivable direction, the visual architect sculpts meaning and imagery from a general purpose tool with roots extending through both every computing and every visualizing device ever produced.

The SIGGRAPH conference Art Show provides the opportunity to present ideas, images, and explorations not necessarily acceptable to a traditional museum environment. The scientific alongside the fine art. Interactive, static and performance works all investigating the development of the computer as an imaging aid to the mind.

To the visualist, working with this imaging aid can be difficult, frustrating and dissatisfying. Conversely, it can be very stimulating, exciting and rewarding. In short, it is the unparalleled dialogue inherent in any creative process whether it be poetry writing, hardware design, programming, forging an image, creating an interactive environment, or crossing the street with that particular flair. Each creative process is a unique communication. For this reason, rather than a series of articles by noted pundits, the text of this catalog is composed of a collection of personal comments and thoughts about their works in the exhibit by the contributors themselves. These comments elucidate some of the thoughts involved in working with the computer, both personal and technical.

The images speak eloquently for themselves.

Yet, a catalog is but a faint reflection of the actual works in the exhibit …. This is especially true this year as a number of interactive works, as well as the laser performance, cannot really be experienced through mere photographs. We invite you to experience and take away some part of the creative spirit inherent in these visual works. In the process, you will add something of your own, of your creation. The artists working with the computer begin a dialogue. Your thoughts working from within your own dimensional framework, in turn, extend this unique dialogue of mind and vision.

Joanne P. Culver

SIGGRAPH ’87 Art Show Chair


Visual Proceedings:

View PDF: [SIGGRAPH 1987: Art Show]


The SIGGRAPH ’87 Art Show would like to especially thank the following:
American Lasers, Corp., Salt Lake City, UT
Anthro, Portland, OR
Apple Computer, CA
Coherent Lasers, Inc., Palo Alto, CA
Danzing Lazars, San Francisco, CA
D.C. Productions, Oakland, CA
Dot-Dash, Oakland, CA
DUNN Instruments, Inc., Springfield, VA
Helix Productions, Alameda, CA
Holography Institute, Petaluma, CA
The Lasersmith, Inc., Chicago, IL
LAZERUS, Berkeley, CA
NO-Coast Design, DeKalb, IL
Schier Associates, Oakland, CA
Tektronix, Beaverton, OR
Raytel, Troy, NY
Zeta Music Systems, Berkeley, CA
Sanity Maintenance provided by the music of: Bryan Ferry,
Roxy Music, Mike Oldfield, Alyson Moyet, Vangelis, & Yanni.

Exhibition Artworks:
