SIGGRAPH Asia 2015: Life on Earth





Kobe, Hyōgo, Japan


November 2nd - 5th, 2015

Art Show Overview:

While we are seeking for sign of life on Mars and beyond, no one asks: “Is there life on Earth?” There is no doubt that life exists on Earth. But what kind of life do we have? The SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Art Gallery explores the concept of “Life on Earth?” to address the intersections of art and life, as well as the cosmos between. The exhibition questions how art can constitute a daily condition of life. Can art improve current conditions on Earth, and if so, extend human experience beyond the horizon? This collection of artworks reflects the current transformations and shifting paradigms throughout Asia. They do not only utilize the digital technologies, but also transform technology and digital media to augment the human experience and engage with contemporary societal issues to stimulate broader conversation of Life on Earth.


Exhibition Artworks:

Exhibition Writings and Presentations:
