Art Paper Reviewers
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John Andrew Berton Jr.
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Trompe I'Oeil II, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Film Theory for the Digital World: Connecting the Masters to the New Digital Cinema, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1990 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Paul Brown
Art Papers Chair:
Committee Member:
Art Show Reviewer:
- Title: Sculpture Simulation, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986, SIGGRAPH Artworks in the Victoria & Albert Museum
- Title: 4^16, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Swimming Pool, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998, SIGGRAPH Artworks in the Victoria & Albert Museum
- Title: My Gasket, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1999
- Title: Drawing, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Reality Versus Imagination, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1992 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Art and the Information Revolution, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1989 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Recovering History: Critical and Archival Histories of the Computer-Based Arts, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2003 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Donna J. Cox
Committee Member:
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Paleolithic Postmodern Venus, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Familiar Is-ness, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Pseudo-Color Maker: Interactive Supercomputer Art|Science, Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 1988
- Title: Pscolograms, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1987
- Title: The Tao of Postmodernism: Computer Art, Scientific Visualization and Other Paradoxes, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1989 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Dena Elisabeth Eber
- DAC Online Exhibition 2018: The Urgency of Reality in a Hyper-Connected World
- SIGGRAPH 2001: n-space
- Title: These are Some Jews that Hitler Did Not Get: American Jews and the Survival of a People, Artist Book, SIGGRAPH 2007
- Title: Virtual Imaginations Require Real Bodies, Essay, SIGGRAPH 1999 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Mary Flanagan
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: [ineffable], 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: [Unnatural Elements : Avatar Portraits], 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Feminist Transgressions? Object and Process in Transgenic/Genetic Works by Women, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2002 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Angus Graeme Forbes
Art Papers Chair:
Art Paper Jury Member:
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Articulating Media Arts Activities in Art-Science Contexts, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2015
- Title: The Interactive Image: A Media Archaeology Approach, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2017
- Title: Stepping Inside the Classification Cube: An Intimate Interaction With an AI System, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2020
- Title: Resonant Waves: Immersed in Geometry, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2020
Esteban Garcia Bravo
Art Paper Jury Member:
Art Paper Reviewer:
- SIGGRAPH 2017: Unsettled Artifacts: Technological Speculations from Latin America
- SIGGRAPH 2016: Data Materialities
Yoon Chung Han
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Digiti Sonus, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2013
- Title: One, Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2009
- Title: Eyes, Installation and Interactive & Monitor-Based, DAC Online Exhibition 2018
- Title: Eyes, Installation and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2019
- Title: I am a ____ Neuron, Interactive & Monitor-Based, DAC Online Exhibition 2020
- Title: Roads In You, Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH Asia 2020
Richard Helmick
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Glades, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: American Sunset, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1983
- Title: Shadows of a Runner, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Hills, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
Paul Hertz
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Ignotus the Mage, Performance and Installation, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Orai/Kalos, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: Time Cycle, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2001
- Title: The Recordatori Series: Prairie, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1999
- Title: Drunk on Technology, Waiting for the Hangover: A Test Plot, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2006 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Erasing Boundaries: Intermedia Art in the Digital Age, Panel / Roundtable, SIGGRAPH 2001 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Haru (Hyunkyung) Ji
Art Paper Jury Member:
Art Paper Reviewer:
Robin King
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Figure #34, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Untitled 13, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
Michael Mateas
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: A Preliminary Poetics for Interactive Drama and Games, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2001 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Expressive AI, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2000 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Hye Yeon Nam
Committee Member:
- DAC Online Exhibition 2017: Immersive Expressions: Virtual Reality on the Web
- SIGGRAPH Asia 2017: Mind-Body Dualism
- DAC Online Exhibition 2014: Aesthetics of Gameplay
- DAC Online Exhibition 2017: Immersive Expressions: Virtual Reality on the Web
- DAC Online Exhibition 2015: Altered Books - Digital Interventions
- Title: Dinner Party, Installation, DAC Online Exhibition 2015
- Title: Dinner Party, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2010
- Title: Wonderland, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 2008
- Title: Wonderland, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 2008
Joel Yuzhi Ong
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Aeolian Traces, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2019
Maria Palazzi
Art Paper Reviewer:
Andrea Polli
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Queensbridge Wind Power, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: N., Interactive & Monitor-Based and Sound Art, SIGGRAPH 2007
- Title: Intuitive Ocusonics, Performance, SIGGRAPH 2001
- Title: The Fly's Eye, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Wind over Water: Making Visible the Invisible, Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH Asia 2013
Mark Resch
Committee Member:
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: untitled, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1988
Phoebe Sengers
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Schizophrenia and Narrative in Artificial Agents, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2001 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Eugene Thacker
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: The SF of Technoscience: The Politics of Simulation & A Challenge for New Media Art, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2000 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Robert Twomey
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Drawing Machine, 3D & Sculpture, SIGGRAPH 2013
Graham Wakefield
Art Paper Reviewer:
Noah Wardrip-Fruin
Committee Member:
Custom Committee:
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: The Pixel/The Line: Approaches to Interactive Text, Panel / Roundtable, SIGGRAPH 2001 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Hypermedia, Eternal Life, and the Impermanence Agent, Essay, SIGGRAPH 1999 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: A Zooming Sketchpad, a Multiscale Narrative: Pad++, PadDraw, Gray Matters, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 1997 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]