
Sort by first letter of last name:
Jenny E. Sabin
- Title: Fourier Carpet and Body Blanket, Design, SIGGRAPH 2008
- Title: Branching Morphogenesis, Design, SIGGRAPH 2008
Warren Sack
- Title: What Does a Very Large-Scale Conversation Look Like?, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2001 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Alternative Networks
John Sanborn
- Title: Big Electric Cat, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1983
- Title: Luminare, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Renaissance, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Act III, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1983
Philip Sanders
- Title: Studio, Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Polloi, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: Ascenser, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: NYC night/samurai, Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality, SIGGRAPH 2000
- Title: HT/TB:(ATCWED): Home Theater/Tower of Babel: (After Tatlin Crick and Watson Étant Donnés), Interactive & Monitor-Based, DAC Online Exhibition 2011
Daniel J. Sandin
- Title: Neither Here Nor There, Installation and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 1996
- Title: On the North Pole Looking East, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Poverty Island with Video Skies, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Spiral PTL, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1982
- Title: Wandawega Waters, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1982
- Title: Messiah, 3D & Sculpture, SIGGRAPH 1988
- Title: Simple Rules Complex Images - Fractals (Explorations of Julia & Mandelbrot Sets), Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 1988
- Title: Hedgehog I, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Pscolograms, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1987
- Title: The Interactive Image, Installation and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 1988
- Title: Array of Julia Set Images, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Spiral 5, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: A Volume of Two-Dimensional Julia Sets, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1991
- Title: Untitled, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1983
- Title: Using Video to Create Avatars in Virtual Reality, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 1997 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Ellen Sandor
- Title: Chaos/Information as Ornament/A Tribute to Louis Sullivan, 3D & Sculpture, SIGGRAPH 1989
- Title: Eggdrop, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Telomeres Project On Imminent Immortality, Installation and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2001
- Title: Messiah, 3D & Sculpture, SIGGRAPH 1988
- Title: Hedgehog I, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Pscolograms, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1987
- Title: The Politics of Pleasure (extended remix), Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1991
Shinji Sasada
- Title: Hide-and-Seek, Installation and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2000
- Title: The Floating Words, Installation and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2001
- Title: Thermoesthesia, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Gemotion, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2001
- Title: Fur-Fly, Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2009
Daniel Sauter
- Title: Light Attack, Performance, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: In the Line of Sight, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2010
Robin Schaufler
- Title: Plasm: A Fish Sample, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Plasm: A Fish Sample, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1985
Sharon Scherer
- Title: Consumerin, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Patriotec, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Ethnivox, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Homotrol, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Jesurex, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Abstinen, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Annual Checkup: Pharmaceuticals for the 21st Century Experimental digital video, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 2006
Karin Schminke
- Title: Dream Cycle IV, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1995
- Title: Self-Portrait, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1992
- Title: Influence (Diptych), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Mayne (Diptych), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Xrossings: Tidal Pool, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2001
- Title: Grid Frieze, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1987
- Title: Triple Cross, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1989
- Title: Sound Waves, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
Laura Scholl
- Title: Lines 1.0, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1981
- Title: Lines 2.0, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1981
Christa Schubert
- Title: Untitled, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1983
- Title: Untitled (B), Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Untitled (D), Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Untitled (Plotted Circles), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
Jeffrey Schulz
- Title: Virtu-Real Space:, Essay, SIGGRAPH 1993 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Jurgen Schulze
- Title: Multiscale Meta Shape Grammar Objects for "...a grain of sand turns the balance" and ATLAS in silico, Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2009
- Title: ATLAS in silico, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2007
Ilene Schuster
- Title: Communication Spheres, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Spacescope, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
Leslie Schutzer
- Title: Femme Robuste, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Electralily, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Madonnae, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
Lillian F. Schwartz
- Title: Symbolic Homage to Picasso, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Big MOMA, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: AZ300, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: The Morphing of Mona, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Single Mandola, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1981
- Title: Yvonne, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1981
- Title: Homage to Duchamp, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1981
- Title: Big MOMA, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Museum of Modern Art Poster-PSA, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: MOMA, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Pictures in a Gallery, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1986
Michael Sciulli
- Title: Rainbow, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Arcade, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Dome Temple, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title:, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Rainbow, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: A Spectrum of Graphic Solutions, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Orange, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Quest: A Long Ray's Journey into Light, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1986
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