Art Show Jury Members
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Haru (Hyunkyung) Ji
Art Paper Jury Member:
Art Paper Reviewer:
Robin King
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Figure #34, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Untitled 13, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
Midori Kitagawa De Leon
- Title: Seasons of Life, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1994
- Title: Beyond the Time, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1990
- Title: Mother, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1999
- Title: Life, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1995
Tammy Knipp
Art Show Reviewer:
- Title: CASE STUDY 107, 3D & Sculpture and Installation, SIGGRAPH 1997
- Title: CASE STUDY 2442, 3D & Sculpture and Installation, SIGGRAPH 1997
- Title: CASE STUDY 118 (documentation), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1997
- Title: Case Study 309, Installation and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: CASE STUDY 9983 & 9983-B, Electronic/Robotic Object and Installation, SIGGRAPH 2007
- Title: CASE STUDY 5510/CASE STUDY 5510-B, Installation and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2001
- Title: Case Study 110 (documentation), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1997
- Title: Case Study 266 (documentation), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1997
Linda Lauro-Lazin
Art Show Reviewer:
- SIGGRAPH Asia 2009: Adaptation
- SIGGRAPH Asia 2008: Synthesis
- SIGGRAPH 2011: Tracing Home in The Age of Networked Techniques
Shawn Lawson
Art Show Reviewer:
- Title: Ray Tracings of the In Between: Tractor Space, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Ray Tracings of the In Between: Living Space, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Wu Wei, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2007
- Title: A Bar at the Folies Bergère, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2007
- Title: Migrations, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 2008
Tom Leeser
- Title: Indiscriminate Visions, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1994
- Title: Small Object, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
Patrick Lichty
- Title: Pixelboxes, 3D & Sculpture, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Made In China: Mao vs. Andy, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2005
- Title: Portraits in 8 Bits or Less, 3D & Sculpture, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: Encoder Study, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: 8 Bits or Less (Series), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
Margot Lovejoy
- Title: See The Beautiful Sea #65, #60, book, Artist Book, SIGGRAPH 1982
- Title: Cloud Book, Artist Book, SIGGRAPH 1983
- Title: Flux 1, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1983
- Title: Azimuth I, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Azimuth II, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Azimuth XX Series, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Cosmic Code 2, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1983
Michael Masucci
- Title: Rage to Know, Performance, SIGGRAPH 2007
- Title: Quantum Entanglement, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Is the Age of Expertise Over?, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2003 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Michael Mateas
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: A Preliminary Poetics for Interactive Drama and Games, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2001 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Expressive AI, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2000 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Conor McGarrigle
Art Paper Jury Member:
- Title: Spook..., Internet Art, SIGGRAPH 2000
- Title: PLAY-Lets, Internet Art, SIGGRAPH 1999
Bonnie L Mitchell
- SIGGRAPH 2006: Intersections
- SIGGRAPH 2006: Charles A. Csuri: Beyond Boundaries (1963-present)
- SIGGRAPH 2006: Electronically Mediated Performances
- SIGGRAPH 2003: CG03: Computer Graphics 2003
- DAC Online Exhibition 2018: Origins + Journeys
- DAC Online Exhibition 2014: Aesthetics of Gameplay
- SIGGRAPH 2004: Synaesthesia
- SIGGRAPH 2001: n-space
- SIGGRAPH 2012: In Search of the Miraculous
- SIGGRAPH 2013: XYZN: Scale
- SIGGRAPH 2014: Acting in Translation
- SIGGRAPH 2005: Threading Time
- SIGGRAPH 2011: Tracing Home in The Age of Networked Techniques
- Title: Transfiguration, Artist Book, DAC Online Exhibition 2015
- Title: As Worlds Collide, Internet Art, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Entrapment, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: Merging Identity: Exploration of identity, the body and life online, Internet Art and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2000
Jacquelyn Ford Morie
Art Show Administrator:
Committee Member:
Custom Committee:
- Title: The Powers That Be, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1989
- Title: Skipper's Book, Artist Book, DAC Online Exhibition 2015
- Title: Fata Morgana, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1988
- Title: Strangely Deeply Caught, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1987
- Title: Memories of the Memory Stairs, Installation, DAC Online Exhibition 2011
Deanna Morse
Committee Member:
Custom Committee:
- Title: Lost Ground, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1992
Hye Yeon Nam
Committee Member:
- DAC Online Exhibition 2017: Immersive Expressions: Virtual Reality on the Web
- SIGGRAPH Asia 2017: Mind-Body Dualism
- DAC Online Exhibition 2014: Aesthetics of Gameplay
- DAC Online Exhibition 2017: Immersive Expressions: Virtual Reality on the Web
- DAC Online Exhibition 2015: Altered Books - Digital Interventions
- Title: Dinner Party, Installation, DAC Online Exhibition 2015
- Title: Dinner Party, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2010
- Title: Wonderland, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 2008
- Title: Wonderland, Sketch / Art Talk, SIGGRAPH 2008
Barbara Nessim
- Title: Veiled Egg, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1994
- Title: Common Sense in Short Supply, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1995
- Title: Seeking Monumental Status, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1995
- Title: Diana 1, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Random Access Memories 400, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1992
- Title: Under Wraps, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1990
- Title: Thoughts of the Moon, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1989
- Title: Face #111 from Face Series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: Tic Tac Toe from American Favorite Series, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: The Gift, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1987
- Title: Two Shadows Outside Two Women, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: Staircase of Men, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: German Lives, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1988
- Title: French Lives, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1988
- Title: American Lives, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1988, SIGGRAPH Artworks in the Victoria & Albert Museum
- Title: Untitled, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Random Access Memories, Installation and Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 1991
Ken O’Connell
- Title: Chips in Space, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
- Title: From our Imagination, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1998
Yasuo Ohba
Committee Member:
- Title: Furble, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1994
- Title: Re:Anjyu, Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2004
John Pearson
- Title: Remembrances #5, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Further Reconstruct #9, 3D & Sculpture, SIGGRAPH 1987
- Title: Reflections #12, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: O H B Proposal #1, 3D & Sculpture, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: Fresnel Proposition (five plots), 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1986
Andrea Polli
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Queensbridge Wind Power, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: N., Interactive & Monitor-Based and Sound Art, SIGGRAPH 2007
- Title: Intuitive Ocusonics, Performance, SIGGRAPH 2001
- Title: The Fly's Eye, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Wind over Water: Making Visible the Invisible, Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH Asia 2013
Patric D. Prince
Committee Member:
- SIGGRAPH 1985: Art Show
- SIGGRAPH 1995: Digital Gallery
- SIGGRAPH 1990: Digital Image-Digital Cinema
- SIGGRAPH 1987: Art Show
- Title: Piece by Piece, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1985
- Title: A Brief History of SIGGRAPH Art Exhibitions: Brave New Worlds, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1989 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: Computer Aesthetics: New Art Experience, or The Seduction of the Masses, Essay, SIGGRAPH 1986 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
- Title: The Art of Understanding: Or, A Primer on Why We Study History, Essay, SIGGRAPH 2003 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Mark Resch
Committee Member:
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: untitled, Installation, SIGGRAPH 1988
Catherine Richards
- Title: Mapping A Sensibility: Computer lmaging, Essay, SIGGRAPH 1983 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Judson Rosebush
- Title: Space‡, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 1986
- Title: The Proceduralist Manifesto, Paper, SIGGRAPH 1989 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
Cynthia Beth Rubin
Art Show Administrator:
Committee Member:
- SIGGRAPH Asia 2016: Mediated Aesthetics
- SIGGRAPH Asia 2017: Mind-Body Dualism
- DAC Online Exhibition 2014: Aesthetics of Gameplay
- DAC Online Exhibition 2012: Environments: Natural-Constructed
- Title: November Memories, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1995
- Title: Sand and Grasses1, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Layered Histories: the Wandering Bible of Marseilles, Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: Siberian Summer Tales, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: Old House in the Shadow of the Castle, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2001
- Title: Trnava Synagogue, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 1999
- Title: Safed Hiding Places, Wilder Building, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2002
- Title: Traces: Plankton on the Move, Animation & Video, SIGGRAPH 2013
- Title: Glen Helen Series, 2D & Wall-Hung, DAC Online Exhibition 2011
- Title: Zodiacs in the Lower East Side, Interactive & Monitor-Based and Internet Art, DAC Online Exhibition 2018
Teri Rueb
Art Papers Chair:
Art Paper Jury Member:
- SIGGRAPH 2013: XYZN: Scale
- SIGGRAPH 2012: In Search of the Miraculous
- SIGGRAPH 2011: Tracing Home in The Age of Networked Techniques
Philip Sanders
- Title: Studio, Interactive & Monitor-Based, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: Polloi, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2004
- Title: Ascenser, 2D & Wall-Hung, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Title: NYC night/samurai, Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality, SIGGRAPH 2000
- Title: HT/TB:(ATCWED): Home Theater/Tower of Babel: (After Tatlin Crick and Watson Étant Donnés), Interactive & Monitor-Based, DAC Online Exhibition 2011
Daniel Sauter
- Title: Light Attack, Performance, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Title: In the Line of Sight, Installation, SIGGRAPH 2010
Phoebe Sengers
Art Paper Reviewer:
- Title: Schizophrenia and Narrative in Artificial Agents, Paper, SIGGRAPH 2001 View Full Paper: [Download PDF]
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